Cosmetic Injections

Consultation: £50 Which will be redeemed towards your treatment if you decide to go ahead with the procedure.

Muscle Induced Facial Line Injections

Hyperactivity of the facial muscles driving expression often results in the development of deep frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet lines. Injections temporarily paralyse these muscles which cause wrinkles, giving the face a more relaxed appearance. The wrinkles become smoother or can disappear altogether. Dr Koshila uses only approved drugs which should only be administered by a qualified doctor. In cosmetic medicine only very small injectable doses are given and it is generally a very safe and effective treatment.

  • £180  One Injected Area Only: Frown or Forehead or Crows Feet (Eyes)
  • £250 Two Injected Areas: Same Person/Appointment
  • £300 Three Injected Areas: Same Person/ Appointment

Additional Charges for extra Areas Injected during Frown/Forehead/Crows Feet Areas

  • Bunny Lines
  • Chin (Orange Peel)
  • Jowls (gummy smile)
  • Jaw Line
  • Upper Lip
  • Neck Lift / Lines / Nefertiti Lift

Prices given on consultation by the Doctor.


You will undergo a thorough consultation including facial mapping before a recommendation is made. Dr Koshila delivers the ultimate results with dermal fillers and is widely known for her expertise, safety and injection perfection. Depending on the area to be treated, every dermal filler has different properties therefore it is important a practitioner has access to the widest range possible. Over years Dr Koshila has only used approved drugs which can be administered only by qualified doctor only. Dr Koshila also provides a completely impartial opinion on what she regards is the best dermal filler in the world for the area of concern. The dermal fillers are unique in that they stimulate your skin to produce more collagen and give a very natural and effective result. Dr Koshila has reviewed national and international published journals for any of the product/s recommended.

  • £300 1ml Syringe
  • £550 2ml Syringe
  • £550 Thread Lift – prices start from
  • £300 PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma
  • £350 Tear Through


  • These products although normally long lasting are non permanent. Areas commonly undergoing treatment are:

    • Lip Enhancement
    • Smokers Lines
    • Nose to Mouth Lines
    • Deep Forehead Lines
    • Sunken Cheeks and Cheekbones
    • Cheek Enhancement
    • Jowls
    • Deep Lines and Folds
    • Back of Hands

Only approved & most trustworthy fillers are used.

Best of the injectable fillers are used to soften folds and reduce wrinkles in the face, correct isolated features such as the lips, or for non-surgical facelifts and liquid facelifts. These fillers if used correctly by a qualified doctor can produce  results that enhance and correct facial contours, restore and volumize facial structure and provide a longevity in excess of 12 months.

COSMETIC INJECTIONS CLINIC running for last 14 years at Exclusive Beauty Clinic

Dr Koshila Khalid is a highly acclaimed aesthetic doctor who is a member of Royal College of Physicians London.  She has been working as a trauma /Geriatrician physician in NHS over a decade with additional specific interest in anti-ageing medicine. Also she specialises in Aesthetic medicine from Harley street which includes Advanced Cosmetic Enhancements and Dermal Fillers, Thread Lifts, Foundation, Liquid Facelifts, Vampire Facelifts Contouring and multiple other treatment options for full Facial Rejuvenation.

Dr Koshila’s caring and ethical vision complemented by her outstanding techniques produce natural and consistent results, ensuring she is one of the most highly sought after practitioners in non-surgical aesthetics. Dr Koshila has a growing list of celebrities, fashion-models, dentist and doctors, international patients and is the go-to injectable expert amongst her colleagues for many of the clinics she holds. She has a keen interest in lip fillers, non-surgical nose jobs and under-eye rejuvenation.

Dr Koshila has proved herself a talented injector who uses her excellent communication skills, advanced techniques and quality-driven approach with attention to detail to set herself apart as a practitioner within the field.

Her achievements include:

Excellence performance award in Elderly care (NHS)

Leadership specialisation from RCP “Doctors as a leader individually and in the organisation”



MRCP Post Graduation Medicine

Aesthetic medicine (Harley Street)

Please phone for additional cosmetic clinic times/days.

Due to insurance rules, please refrain from bringing children under the age of 10 into the clinic without the prior approval from the management.

Please Note: Exclusive Beauty Clinic provides administrative services to Dr Koshila’s Cosmetic Injection Clinic at Wharf Road Frimley Green. This includes the taking of cash payments and payment through their Credit Card Terminal for treatments undertaken by the Aesthetic Medicine Clinic. Such payment does not infer any liability upon Exclusive Beauty Clinic, Partners or Employees for treatments taken.